Whitecliffe Welcomes New CEO And Officially Begins A New Academic Year
A Mihi Whakatau was held at Whitecliffe this morning to welcome our new CEO, Darryn Melrose to the staff and to recognise the formal start of the 2019 academic year. MFA candidate Joshua Thompson opened the hui by delivering a karakia and mihi to Darryn.
Darryn responded with a kōrero to all staff about his vision going forward for the three Whitecliffe Colleges: Arts and Design, Fashion and Sustainability and Innovation and Technology. This was followed by a hariru and hongi. Both Director Academic (Postgraduate) Jacquie Phipps and Director Academic (Undergraduate) Henry Symonds spoke on what will be an exciting year ahead for Whitecliffe.
Pictured is kaikōrero Joshua Thompson, Director Academic (Postgraduate) Jacquie Phipps, CEO Darryn Melrose, BFA Fine Arts student Maia Wharewera-Ballard and Director Academic (Undergraduate) Henry Symonds.
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