Jose Matheus

Jose brings over 15 years of experience in international business development and student recruitment.

Jose's strategic acumen, collaborative approach, and team-building skills have contributed to Canada's international student housing and recruitment sector.

Grounded in his values, Jose navigates the dynamic field of international education with humility, sincerity, and enthusiasm for life, embodying the essence of genuine leadership. With work experience in colleges, ESL schools, high schools, and the accommodation industry, both in the private and public sectors, Jose brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to his role, fostering connections and driving positive change.

Leading International Recruitment Teams for prestigious institutions in Canada and New Zealand, he fosters connections among students, agents, and stakeholders to enable positive, transformative educational experiences. Jose's steadfast commitment to growth and continuous learning inspires those around him.

Outside of work, Jose finds joy in sports, travel, and exploring diverse cultures. While fueling his competitive spirit through sports and satisfying his curiosity with travel, he cherishes moments with loved ones, nurturing meaningful relationships beyond work.

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