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Domestic Fees Free

Whitecliffe College programmes are eligible for Fees Free funding for eligible domestic students. Too understand whether you qualify, you can check the requirements here at the the Fees Free website.

Tuition and other Fees

Calculated tuition fees are detailed on each programme page of this website and are based on one year of full-time study, i.e.120 credits (1.0 EFTS). Where you are enrolled in a full-time, part-year study for 60 credits e.g. Certificate of Arts and Design Foundation course for 18 weeks (0.50 efts) are the tuition fee is calculated upon the basis of fees for one year.

There are some compulsory non-tuition fees payables on enrolment in addition to your tuition fees. These additional charges are for items such as course material, equipment, folio, ID/swipe card, etc. Charges are itemised in the non-tuition Sundry fees section.

Please note: Fees will be finalised on confirmation of enrolment. Non-tuition fees and other course related fees are payable according to your specific programme enrolment. After your enrolment is confirmed Whitecliffe sends a statement of fees for the fees due, excluding non-tuition fees. Non-tuition and sundry fees such as ID / swipe card, photocopy card, locker, course material etc. may be paid on or before the enrolment date.


Student Services Fee (SSF)

What is a SSF?
SSF is a fee to support the delivery of student services that support students and enhance their academic experience whilst studying at Whitecliffe.

How much is it?
Whitecliffe consulted the Student Voice Group who unanimously agreed that the addition of a SSF, including the nominated amount of $300 per year for an Equivalent Full Time Student, for the services identified, would add significant value to student wellbeing and success.

What does the SSF provide?
The SSF helps to fund the costs of delivering student services such as:

Careers information, guidance and advice
Students can access support from a Whitecliffe Employment Advisor to gain part time employment during their studies, and full-time permanent employment upon graduation. This will include advertising employment opportunities for students in each campus.

Counselling and Pastoral Care Services
Internal and external counselling and pastoral care support is available for all Whitecliffe Students

Student consultation process:

Students who wish to provide feedback on the services or the SSF fee, can do so through the Student Voice Group

Whitecliffe will review the SSF in consultation with students every year in Q4.

All revenue and actual expenditure will be reported to the TEC, students and staff annually in Q1.

More information:
Further information is available in the Student Handbook, including contact details for SSF-related queries.
Dates for SSF meetings will be made available on student notice boards.

Payment of Fees

Students registering for study at the start of the academic year are required to pay all fees on or before the enrolment appointment. If a student increases his or her programme of study during the year by adding one or more papers, the additional tuition fees for those papers are payable as soon as the change, of course, is registered.

Method of Payment

All Fees must be paid in New Zealand Dollars and can be paid by any of the following means:

1. Cash, cheque or eftpos

Cash, Cheque or eftpos (subject to individual bank limits) paid directly to Whitecliffe College at each campus reception

2. Personal or bank cheque

Personal or bank cheque made out to “Whitecliffe College” and posted to:
Whitecliffe College
PO Box 8192
Symonds Street
Auckland, 1010,
New Zealand.
Attention: Accounts Department.

3. Internet banking or Telegraphic Transfer

TUITION FEES ONLY payable by Internet banking or Telegraphic Transfer
To: Public Trust, Whitecliffe College
Bank and address: Bank of New Zealand, North End Branch,
100 Lambton Quay,
New Zealand.

Account No.: 02-0536-0305865-01

International Swift Address / Code: BKNZNZ22 (for payments outside New Zealand)
All OTHER Fees payable by Internet banking or Telegraphic Transfer:
To: Whitecliffe College
Bank and Address: Westpac Bank Limited, Britomart Branch, 51 Te Ara Tahuhu Walkway, Auckland, New Zealand
Account No.: 03-1509-0118137-00

International Swift Address / Code:WPACNZ2W (for payments outside New Zealand)

Please do not forget to add your name and student ID (if known) to the transfer.

4. Government Student Loan

The Ministry of Social Development administers the Student Loan Scheme. They can assist you with Student Loan and Student Allowance enquires.

Please visit the Study Link website:

As soon as your loan has been approved, Studylink will contact Whitecliffe to confirm payment of fees by loan and to request details of your course of study. Once your course is approved, Whitecliffe will confirm your details with Studylink to allow payment of fees to proceed. You do not need to contact Whitecliffe Administration office as StudyLink will do this directly.

Please be aware that the processing time for student loan approval is about 4-6 weeks. All student fees must be paid on or before the commencement date.


Please be aware that tuition fees must be paid within eight (8) days of your course start date. If you are paying your tuition fees by Student Loan, you will need to apply for this well in advance of your course start date. The best way to apply for your Student Loan is online The processing time for student loan approval is between 4 to 6 weeks.

StudyLink will need following documents from you:

Proof of your identity and age. This could be your birth certificate, certificate of citizenship, a passport, or a letter from Immigration New Zealand.
Proof of your New Zealand citizenship or residency. This could be your New Zealand birth certificate, your certificate of citizenship, residency or refugee documents, or your passport.
Proof of your IRD number. This could be your Inland Revenue card, or a letter, or a Notice of Assessment from Inland Revenue. Hand-written proof must be stamped by Inland Revenue.
Evidence of your bank account. This could be a copy of a recent Bank Statement that names you as the account holder, or a letter from your bank stating all your bank details i.e. your name, address, and bank account number.

StudyLink needs to either see your original documents or copies verified by one of the following: a StudyLink, or Work and Income Staff member, an Officer of a Tertiary Education Provider, your School Principal or a Justice of the Peace (you can find one in your local area listed in the Yellow Pages) who has seen the original. They must print their name and title on each copy and write on it that it is a true copy. StudyLink will return all original documents to you.

International Students fees are to be paid before the start of the course for Visa/Immigration purposes. If fees remain unpaid students cannot get a student visa.

5. Scholarship or Third Party Payments

(i) Whitecliffe College offers a wide range of Scholarships and Awards. They are awarded on the basis of excellence and outstanding achievement in a variety of subject areas. Unless noted all awards are paid by Whitecliffe College. Go to our scholarships page.

(ii) If your tuition fees are to be paid by an external scholarship, trust fund, Study Link scholarship, employer etc. and you receive a fee account, please ask the third party payer to contact the Fees / Accounts office for information on how to pay.

6. Free fees
Students can check their eligibility for free fees by entering their National Student Number (NSN) on the New Zealand Government’s website,

Change of Electives

Changing electives after your programme has been finalised, requires availability and fresh approval from the Academic Director.

If you change or add an elective after enrolment, any additional fees incurred become liable for payment as soon as the change of course is registered. Please note that places are subject to availability.

Refund of Fees

Refunds are based on the Fees Refund Policies established in compliance with the 1989 Education Act and provide the following:

If a student withdraws before commencement (defined as the first day of required attendance), he/she is entitled to a complete refund of tuition fees paid;
If a student withdraws within eight days after commencement, he/she is entitled to a refund of tuition fees paid less NZ $500.00 or 10% of completed payments;
If a student withdraws more than eight days after commencement, he/she is not entitled to any refund.


Tuition Fees paid personally

(Cash, cheque, direct credit, telegraphic transfer, eftpos)
If you have paid your fees by the above methods and are eligible for a refund, you need to see the reception and each Campus. You will be asked to sign the Public Trust Withdrawal/Refund Form (more details about the Public Trust can be found under Fee Protection section). Refunds will be processed within 5 -7 working days.

Tuition Fees paid by StudyLink

If you select to use a Student Loan to pay your tuition fees, and those are paid by Studylink to the Whitecliffe out of your Student Loan, and you subsequently become eligible for a refund as per Whitecliffe Refund policies, Whitecliffe will make the refund directly to StudyLink (to be credited against your student loan balance). This is consistent with the provision in your Student Loan contract with StudyLink.

Fee Enquiries

For further information about fees, contact:

Student Fee Protection

The New Zealand Government Law requires us to offer protection for student fees paid.

The Fee Protection arrangement process at Whitecliffe College is through the Public Trust – Fee Protect. The Whitecliffe students’ qualification deposits and tuition fees payment made are held in the Public Trust account until the eighth day after any programme commencement as required under s236 of the Education Act. This Trust Account is administered by Whitecliffe Accounts and Finance team. As soon as student fees are deposited with the Public Trust, they are protected. Then as your programme progresses, your fees are gradually paid to the provider.

If the unexpected happens and the school is unable to continue offering a course, or ceases business through insolvency, course cancellation, de-registration or withdrawal of accreditation, Whitecliffe has systems in place, which meet the requirements of the Education Act.

Contact details for this process are in the first instance Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design (09) 3095970, Accounts / Finance Department or directly to the Public Trust – Fee Protect on 0800 494 733.

Process for Student Fee Trust Account

Any student enrolling with Whiteclife College shall complete the Public Trust Student Fee Protection Application Form authorising payment of their student fees to the Trustee to establish a Student Fee Trust Account. Please note that NO Charge applies to students for this service.