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Amanda Cole

Amanda Cole, Library and Research Services Coordinator, Administrator, Employee, staff, Whitecliffe, Team. Member

Amanda Cole

Library and Research Services Coordinator


Amanda has over 30 years’ experience in library and research services, including nearly 20 years in the tertiary academic sector. She has led teams in delivery a wide range of learning and research support in academic and corporate libraries. She is passionate about helping students and staff to meet their learning, teaching and research goals.

Amanda has over 30 years’ experience in library and research services, including nearly 20 years in the tertiary academic sector. She has led teams in delivery a wide range of learning and research support in academic and corporate libraries. She is passionate about helping students and staff to meet their learning, teaching and research goals.

Additional Information

Amanda’s role as Library and Research Services Coordinator includes leading the Whitecliffe Library team and ensuring the help and advice we provide to students, along with our print and digital collections, are always of the highest quality. She also coordinates the administration of Whitecliffe’s research policies and strategy and provides advice and support to staff on related processes, including research ethics, funding and reporting.  Amanda has a Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies from Victoria University of Wellington and a BA in Sociology from the University of Auckland.