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Eden Art Art Schools Award Winners 2021

Fine Arts

Eden Art Art Schools Award Winners 2021





The Eden Arts Trust is delighted to congratulate the winners of the eleventh annual Eden Arts Art Schools Award announced on Saturday 5 February 2022.


  • Highly Commended Nicola Fraser (Unitec)
  • Highly Commended Charlie Stringer (AUT)
  • Highly Commended Hollie Teutscher (Whitecliffe)
  • Highly Commended JJ Harper (Elam)


The four Highly Commended students receive $2,000 each.


Eden Arts also awarded three Board’s Choice awards of $500 each to Warisara Thomson (Whitecliffe), Jude (Elam) and Ziggy Bond (Whitecliffe).


This event was rescheduled from August 2021 and the judges were artist Judy Darragh and freelance writer/ exhibition maker Francis McWhannell. All entries were judged anonymously with no artist or school names made available to the judges.


Launched by the Eden Arts Trust in 2011, the award brings together Auckland’s major tertiary art institutions: AUT, Elam, Unitec and Whitecliffe. Each school was invited to nominate 5 undergraduate students for the award. Eden Arts congratulates all 20 finalists on being selected by their school.


This year’s event was hosted for the third time by Webb’s Auction House, Mt Eden. The award exhibition was open for viewing over Waitangi weekend under strict Covid protocols.


Eden Arts is a charitable arts trust formed over 30 years ago with the purpose of supporting the arts in the greater Mt Eden area. The Trust’s flagship event is the annual Artists in Eden Day in March, proceeds from which fund an annual calendar of events including prize money for art awards. Eden Arts’ recent initiatives include the annual Mt Eden Chamber Music Festival launched in 2016 and a new artist residency at Karekare Beach which opened in 2018.


For more information:

Cathy Manning, Eden Arts Board