As most of you would now be aware, there have been newly confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the Auckland region.
Subsequently the Prime Minister announced last night that all of Auckland will go into Alert Level 3 lockdown from midday today (Wednesday 12th August) for 3 days until Friday 14th August, whilst contact tracing occurs and the source of the transmission is determined.
Auckland and Manukau campuses
Wellington and Christchurch campuses
As the situation evolves, we will continue to let students and staff as up to date as possible.
Operational Procedures
When entering the campus all students must fill in the visitor logbook. During your time on the campus, you must maintain physical distance, hand washing and regularly clean surfaces that you are working on.
If you have any contact with the new identified Covid19 cluster or are sick (with loss of smell, sore throat, fever, cough, cold) do not come to campus.
Please let us or your Regional Manager know if you have any questions about campus access.
What Auckland’s level 3 restrictions mean:
What level 2 restrictions mean for the rest of New Zealand:
Your lecturers and tutors will be available to support your studies. The Library staff are also online to offer research and academic study skills support and to help you navigate online resources. Contact IT Support if you need assistance with your connectivity or devices.
Handy COVID-19 Whitecliffe links:
Attendance and progress
As always please make the most of the opportunities offered to you during your studies. Full attendance and participation places you in the best possible position to succeed.
Your attendance at scheduled sessions and completion of course activities is expected and required. Maintain your study hours. Just as if you were attending classes on campus, lecturers and tutors will maintain attendance records and you must let faculty know if you are unable to attend for any reason. Tutors and lecturers will be tracking your progress via your attendance, participation, progress with online tasks and assignments as always.
Keep track of where you’ve been
Whitecliffe strongly encourages all students to download the use NZ COVID Tracer, it’s a lot easier for health officials to let you know about any risk of exposure.
He waka eke noa, we are all in this together.