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Campus Access during Level 1


Campus Access during Level 1

Following the government’s announcement on Monday that the country is moving to alert level 1 on Tuesday the 9th of June, we wanted to give you an update on the changes around campus.

  • You will no longer be required to sign in at reception.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene.
  • Use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • If you are sick (with loss of smell, sore throat, fever, cough, cold) do not come to campus.
  • Your Head of Department will be in touch regarding after-hours access.


As a reminder some courses are continued to be delivered remotely, if you have any questions please contact your Head of Department, Programme Director or Academic Leader.


We ask for your continued support to ensure we can keep our Whitecliffe community safe.


He waka eke noa, we are in this together.