Whitecliffe is firmly established as NZ’s leading degree-granting private college, one of the few PTE’s that offers degrees and postgraduate programme study.
Acquired in January 2024
Rebrand Opportunity – Whitecliffe MDH University, providing potential for global University Status Since April 1st, 2004, the private MEDIADESIGN UNIVERSITY for design and computer science has been state-recognized in accordance with Section 123, Paragraph 1 of the Berlin Higher Education Act in conjunction with Section 70, Paragraph 1 of the Higher Education Framework Act.
Untapped opportunities for significant export education growth, supported by Whitecliffe’s international student recruitment experience (via new owner and leadership team), and including the introduction of Whitecliffe’s Bachelor and Master Degrees. Bachelor Degrees offered in:
Master Degrees offered in:
The Mediadesign Hochschule has its own training centers in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf. The locations have extensive, high-quality media technology, including professionally equipped image and sound studios in Berlin and Munich. 900+ students in 2025.
For more information, you can access the Website.